Red Lentil Salad Wraps Make A Fast And Easy Lunch!

Happy May Day! The sun is out and it still feels warm despite autumn taking hold in the southern hemisphere.

Today red lentil tortillas feature as they make an excellent wrap without any rolling, kneading or mixing. Soak, blend and pour and you have yourself a perfect wrap ready to be filled.

As they are made with hearty, filling beans, I enjoy them best filled with salad and leafy greens. However, fill them how you please as they are versatile.

Red Lentil Tortillas


1 cup split or whole red lentils

2 cups filtered water

1/4-1/2 tsp Himalayan Pink Salt


Wash 1 cup of red lentils in a strainer and empty in to a high speed blender jug. Add two cups of filtered water and leave to soak for 4-6 hours.

Just before blending, add the desired amount of salt and blend on high until you have a smooth batter.

Heat a ceramic, non-stick frying pan, preferably wide and flat. Pour 1/2 cup of batter and spread so you have a large thin tortilla. If you have a smaller pan, adjust the amount of batter to the pan size. Let it cook on a medium-low heat until the outer edges begin to lift. Give the tortilla time to cook. When you can put a spatula underneath without difficulty, flip the tortilla and cook for a couple of minutes.

Place on a plate and spread chilli jam, tomato relish, or whatever chutney or condiment you like best. Pile leafy green on top with cut up salad and roll. To make it even more hearty, add a couple slices of nut cheese. Cut in half and enjoy!

Store the left over tortilla batter in a glass airtight container in the refrigerator. When you take it out to use, make sure to mix the batter well before pouring it on to the pan.